Friday, August 16, 2013

We've Got Magic To Do!

Let me just say that I love the revival of Pippin!  From the moment the intro to "Magic to Do" started and Patina Miller slithered out on stage, I've been in love.  So a few months ago, after seeing the show, I decided I wanted to play the role of Leading Player.  Who wouldn't?  I knew that the national tour would be going out in 2014 and I wanted to start getting prepared to audition when the time came.  So I started learning the music, got the audition sides, and figured over the course of the year I would be able to get myself together. Well Surprise! About a month ago I got called in to audition for the Leading Player understudy!

This was my first time going in for any understudy role and I did everything I could do to prepare with the limited amount of time I had.  I felt good about what I was able to work on, but as I walked into the audition building my nerves were still at a level ten!  I got to the audition room and there were about twenty girls waiting to audition as well.  The audition started with us learning the famous Fosse-choreographed Manson Trio.  I had learned a bit of it before, at my ensemble auditions for Pippin, but the entire beginning of the combination was new.  With all of the stylized and nuanced movement, the whole group took quite a while to learn the combo.  

After everyone felt somewhat comfortable, we moved on to a second combination.  This time from the number "The Right Track".  This time the choreography was much faster, but a lot more free and fun.  The tempo proved to be a problem for many because it is so hard to learn something new and then have to perform it at lightening speed! Your brain feels like it won't fire fast enough!  However, I managed to learn it well enough and then it was time to go in trios.  Each group performed the Manson Trio combination followed directly by  The Right Track combo.  When it was my turn to go, I just had a great time, focused on the style, and tried not to forget anything.  I felt good about myself and was kept to sing and read sides.

"The Right Track" combo starts at 2:44

They kept about half the girls, maybe slightly more and we each went in one at a time to sing and read sides.  I had a long time to wait before it was my turn and sometimes,  sitting down and waiting with everyone else makes me MORE nervous and I get into my head.  So instead I found an empty audition room and sang through the songs, walked the halls, and stood in my "power poses" until it was my turn.  Once inside the room I sang "Magic To Do" which went directly into the opening scene sides, and then finished by singing "Simple Joys".  I did my best, had a good time, and tried to just show who I was to casting.  After finishing everything I was told I did a "great job today", smiled, and left. 

Now,  I was not invited to final callback but I feel extremely proud of what I put out there.  It may not have been 100% perfect and ready but it was a step in the right direction.  I am so happy to see myself continuing to grow and hope that next time this opportunity roles around I will be even better!


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog entries; they were very inspiring and encouraging. Is there a way to contact you directly?

  2. You can email me at
